This weekend we took public transit to a downtown festival, and home. Walked around our neighbourhood, to the local pool, park, etc. for a few days. Today, still waiting on the Xtracycle, we took the bike and trailer loaded with both kids to the post office and grocery store. Unfortunately I overestimated how much stuff would fit in the back of the trailer once loaded with two kids, and ended up balancing a lb of strawberries on top of a bag, thinking the trailer's back flap would hold everything in. Got home, the flap is still closed, but no strawberries! They must have fallen out somewhere along the route, just fell sideways and then snuck out under the closed flap (it only velcroes shut at the sides). Boo! No strawberries for us, as I'm sure they are smashed up somewhere, and I just don't have it in me to go back looking for them with a toddler due for a nap and myself drenched in sweat from riding in the humidity. I will pack better next time.
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